
Opinionated Abut Dining Survey

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January 30, 2008


Phil DeBol

Do you have a search function on your blog? How can I find a particular review? For instance, I'm going to Roy's in the Financial District. How would I find what you had written about it?


That sounds incredible. What restaurant are they part of?

holiday let in spain

hmmm, food looks yummy.

Miami Hotels

Hey all. Nice post. you've made me hungry. thanks god im sitting in my hotel room in miami beach. tonight me and my husband are going to the Oceanaire restaurant. i'll eat everything!

naked celebrities

I have lots of ideas of food.

Term Paper

The white chocolate ice cream with arctic char roe and blis elixir was quite another story. It was one of the perfect contrasts that modern cuisine has become known for with sweet and creamy ice cream, salty, and slightly fishy caviar, and sherry vinegar that has been aged in whiskey barrels. Truly delicious.

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