
Opinionated Abut Dining Survey

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September 13, 2006



Thanks for such a great review! I am a big fan of Joel Rouchon cooking and go often in his restaurants in Paris and Monaco. I will need to try the NYC branch also :)

Steve Plotnicki

Sorry I missed this comment at the time you posted it. How do you think his Monaco restaurant compares to the Paris location?


Where is Robuchon?While I openly congratulate you for your top 50 restauarant survey,I can openly challange any survey that does not include Robuchon in his varied forms to be in the top 50.The undisputed Top Chef in the 80s with his restaurant Jamin is still alive and so called artists such as Ferran Adria should stand in line to learn from this chef.Although, I certainly do not rate LATELIER in the class of Jamin, Robuchon in Las Vegas is close to that number 1 experience.When Wolfgand Puck and Spago are rated 50 for serving lox pizza and knowing how to really make $dough,and Robuchon is left off the survey, one can only wonder where the raters have really eaten.On the other hand, the raters which have kept France the Food Capital of the world should be congratulated on not being influenced by the critic hype of Spain,a false pretenter to the throne.


just a note, Steve Robuchon is at the MGM in Vegas .

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